Artistic Accounting Weeks 13-16

I have gotten some stuff done over the intervening weeks. Built the 1st round of Tetri boxes. And the Stackable Storage that goes inside. the stackable are working perfectly. there is some tweaking that needs to happen on the Tetri. Some of the Finger joints don’t align perfectly. And on one box, I have them incorrectly placed. I also have to tweak the clearance on the doors.

I was able to finish a 2nd chair and more importantly my new desk. A couple of coats of Spar Urethane later and it was good to go. It has a nice look to it. Yesterday was able to start placing the cables, printer and Drobo.

The office will be a lot better once I get more Stackables made and can put away more stuff forte other horizontal surfaces.

Artistic Accounting, weeks 11 & 12

It looks like two weeks have passed by since my last post listing what I have actually produced. I have gotten two of my boxes built for the office. I think I am going to paint them, so maybe I can use cheaper plywood and stretch my money a little farther for future ones. I have my office table assembled, except for the adding the top. there is some differences between the actual plywood thickness and the assumed plywood thickness at OpenDesk. So some tweaking is necessary, that is a lesson to learn for the future. Next level designing is having things parametrically linked to the thickness of the plywood in the design. Made a poster for the March for Our Lives that we went to yesterday. that was fun to do. there was a bunch of redrafting that happened to get the office desk ready and to do the stacking boxes for inside my larger boxes. It is a little frustrating to not have more to post about at these increments of time. I must admit I am jealous of some of these other people like poets and visual artists that can have smaller chunks of time to produce work. Seeing a poet have a poem published, while I wait to have a show open is frustrating. I have to look for those other ways that I can produce work. Maybe byproducts of larger pieces, or just pure side work to keep the juice flowing. I have ideas for things. the main sticking point is finding the time to devote to them.

the Blog of Owen Collins