Category Archives: Bit of the ordinary

Something from everyday goings on.

Weekly Twitter Update From 2010-05-10 – 2010-05-16 #tw

Weekly Twitter Update From 2010-05-03 – 2010-05-09 #tw

Weekly Twitter Update From 2010-04-26 – 2010-05-02 #tw

Weekly Twitter Update From 2010-04-26 – 2010-04-26

Travel, Lemonade and more

Well, It’s been a while since I have posted, which seems to be my standard intro to these entries. So it seems that I keep having a conscious or unconscious fight with either my attention span or my to-do list. Am I

There has been a lot that has happened in the last couple of weeks. My Daughter McKelvey held(with help from Ann and I) a fundraiser to raise money for the Arts program at her school.

We went as saw Wicked, McKelvey’s class did a famous person tea. Where they dress up like a famous person that they researched. Then they read a speech that they wrote format the point of view of their famous person. It was pretty neat to see.

Arden’s class had an Easter Egg hunt at our house( because we were the only ones that lived close to the school). That was fun. Liam and I hid all the eggs, which took a long time since we hid 10 eggs for each kid in the class. That’s over 170 eggs.

I also went to Kansas City Missouri for a conference. I was a part of two panel presentations and did a small presentation on the 3d Printer I made. They all went over pretty well. It’s odd to think I am comfortable talking in front of a crowd like that, when I used to run from that like my dog from a bath.

Pictures of the aforementioned events are here.

Wicked fun

we took the family on a trip to Richmond yesterday. We went to see the national tour of Wicked. It was my first time seeing the show, but not the first time I heard the music. My kids have been obsessively requesting the CD since last spring. It great to finally see the book scenes. The staging was fun and had a really good pace. It was interesting how it seemed that more book scenes were in the second act, or at least half the songs in the second act were short reprises of previous songs. I liked how they integrated the existing elements from the Wizard of Oz movie. In that way it departed from the novel, but was understandable considering more of the audience would be familiar with the original movie than Gregory Maguire’s version.

But of course I can’t just watch a show like this, I was constantly figuring out how they did it. Seeing which set pieces repeated, seeing how they use projection, looking for the person onstage that clips Galinda’s harness everytime she gets in or out of her flying ‘bubble circle’. That being said, I don’t feel that it takes away from my enjoyment of the show. I really think I may have enjoyed it more.Although McKelvey was rapt the whole time. Perhaps a show like this can’t be enjoyed more by anyone other than a little girl.

McKelvey thoroughly enjoyed herself. Although Arden had to keep asking questions to keep up with the plot, I think she also had a fabulous time.

Afterward we went out to dinner, in the Carytown section of Richmond. It had some cool shops and a bunch of different restaurants. It reminded me of areas of Chicago or Brooklyn. I wish we could have taken a block of it back to Lexington.

So I loved the show, and while watching it figured out how to do it at W&L.

Without hiring a flying company.

writing blocks

One reason I started this blog was to explore this new media thing. I was interested in how this worked. I had already made static webpages, but this was something new. I enjoyed slogging thru the process of installing and setting up a fresh WordPress blog. It caused me to learn how it all fit together.

Another reason was to try and get myself to write more. I have never been comfortable with writing. If you knew me in Highschool you would have said I was not comfortable talking to people. I was always very quiet and it took me a long time to warm up and feel comfortable expressing myself. Which in high school is hard anyway.

But nowadays, I have more confidence in putting words on the page. I just have to figure out a system to make it more efficient. I have lots of typos and then I go and correct them, which messes up my train of thought sometimes. Also I need to work out a regimen so that I actually write more. It seems to slip down the priority list with family, and work taking up time. Plus I need to stop wasting time on other stuff.

But as I find myself doing less designing at school, I need to have a place to put my creative energies. Maybe I can do that here…

To Tweet or not to Tweet?

We just finished the run of our annual Dance Concert. It has gotten some press even. It was mentioned in the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the Roanoke Times. Mainly for the choice of having a live online commentary to accompany the performance. There was a student posting tidbits of info about the dances here.

It raises the question, in this modern day and age, do people prefer to do multiple things at once? Right now are you listening to musics while checking the internet or have the TV on? Are people interested in doing just one thing at a time? When you are watching something like dance where there isn’t a strict narrative, would having some background be helpful? IS this progress? Having a live performance be like pop up videos? Giving factoids about the pieces? Having the director tell us what to look for?

Are we supposed to accept that what they say is the right answer? If they did their job correctly should the audience just know what the play or dance is about? How much of art is left up to the beholder/audience? Won’t each person find their own individual meaning? Taking in backgrounds and cultural norms there will be a lot of overlap to the meaning that people take from a piece of art. But isn’t art about both individual expression and individual interpretation? Is this twittering just homogenization of interpretation? People may not feel comfortable unless they are told the right answer, but maybe they should figure it out.

On their own. ;)

making and balancing

I wish I had a more time to post something to the blog but I haven’t and again and I think it’s the to diffusion of attention from many different things. Things that I should be paying attention to, family and things like that, and things that I shouldn’t pay so much attention to * Ahem* Internet *Ahem*.

And so I am about halfway through the year. Last term I was stressed about teaching and doing everything. I don’t think my class turned out as good as it could of. This term I’m teaching a class, but this time I don’t feel stressed about it. Possibly because I have taught this a lot before.

What I’m really focusing on now is balance. Not worrying about getting everything administratively because it will get done. Focusing on being at home when I am at home (keeping my head from drifting to work issues) On the weekend I’m not going to check email that might be work email, just doesn’t get checked and that is ok.

We also have a kid sick at home, like Arden is tonight, it is keeping us awake a little and bites into your available time don’t you know.

I have been wishing I had a little time to do with the fun things that I want work on. But I guess I got to do the unfun things first, like the administrative emails and such before I get to do fun stuff like design things and making things.

Speaking of making things, having a a 3d printer at home has been really interesting for a person that makes digital designs. I’ll try out an idea for something on the computer, and then get printing on the 3d printer and see how it works. It is really something to see, watching that object being built up layer by layer. The only problem is that I have a misprint ever 3rd time still. Being a kit I made myself and comparing the cost to other 3d printers I can’t complain.