Travel, Lemonade and more

Well, It’s been a while since I have posted, which seems to be my standard intro to these entries. So it seems that I keep having a conscious or unconscious fight with either my attention span or my to-do list. Am I

There has been a lot that has happened in the last couple of weeks. My Daughter McKelvey held(with help from Ann and I) a fundraiser to raise money for the Arts program at her school.

We went as saw Wicked, McKelvey’s class did a famous person tea. Where they dress up like a famous person that they researched. Then they read a speech that they wrote format the point of view of their famous person. It was pretty neat to see.

Arden’s class had an Easter Egg hunt at our house( because we were the only ones that lived close to the school). That was fun. Liam and I hid all the eggs, which took a long time since we hid 10 eggs for each kid in the class. That’s over 170 eggs.

I also went to Kansas City Missouri for a conference. I was a part of two panel presentations and did a small presentation on the 3d Printer I made. They all went over pretty well. It’s odd to think I am comfortable talking in front of a crowd like that, when I used to run from that like my dog from a bath.

Pictures of the aforementioned events are here.