
Looking out my front window this morning I was greeted with a gorgeous sight. In our front lawn is a weeping cherry tree. So this time of year it is in bloom with pink flowers. And due to the slope of our property, we look directly into its branches.

The spring is a great time at our house because of the flowering trees and bushes we have. Now I didn’t plant any of them. They were all here when we first looked at the place. The previous owners had planted them. They invariably had thought carefully about what to grow and where they should go. I don’t how much they thought about what future owners would think about their choices. But they set about creating a view they would want to see.

And this morning as I was grateful for what I had, I also realized that I should be grateful for what had been passed down and given. For the previous owners had, by creating the world they wanted to see outside their window, had given me what I enjoy as well. And they have reminded me that the choices we make today, create the world we live in tomorrow.