Artistic Accounting Week 9

It has been yet another busy week. But not too bad. Got some more done of the Tetris inspired boxes. Now ready to make the V-Carve files and buy some wood. Got a FLW book thru interlibrary loan, Taschen’s Volume 3 of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Complete Works. Has a lot of great images in there on the works towards the end of his life. Didn’t have anything about the Music Pavilion at Taliesin West though. But it will be great to compare the various designs of theaters throughout the years. Some good closeups of Furniture draftings. Including the Origami Chair. Even made a scale paper model of it. I think I can adapt it for CNC manufacturing. I wonder how much FLW would have agreed with digital fabrication. He was focused on bespoke, custom work most of the time. Which was equated with hand crafting in his lifetime. But at the same time the onset of power tools made things a lot easier. In fact the Shops at Taliesin West were some of the first things finished.

Another bit of work done this week was combing thru the Taliesin West Preservation Master Plan. Which has a great detailed history of the different buildings and their various iterations. There are also some great appendices at the end with images. Draftings of the various stages of the major buildings, which includes the Music Pavilion. Interesting to see.