Obligatory passage of time birthday post

Today is my birthday, and of course in many ways it feels like just another day. Which of course it is. But of course it has the job of marking your time in increments. And when you are younger it is a very momentous occasion. McKelvey in particular loves having her birthday be a holiday that ranks with Easter and christmas. You get so much attention, presents, cake and you get to choose what we have for dinner, it’s pretty awesome. And getting older was important when you’re a kid. You always want to be older when you’re younger and younger when you’re older. McKelvey is looking forward to turning ten and being in double digits. But that is not that big of a deal when you get older. Especially once you get past those important years, like turning 18 or 21.

And as for marking the passage of time, I don’t really think about birthdays as what marks the year. I don’t even think of January 1st either. For me it is about summers, meaning summer theater gigs and not being in school (whether as a student or teacher). Or marking the years by august and school starting again. That is the rhythm of the year, not birthdays.

As far noticing the passage of time, I have noticed some more grey hairs today, mostly in my beard. My hair on the top of my head is a little thinner I guess. And I did notice a new wrinkle on my face, but it only shows up when I’m smiling. But I don’t actually pay attention to the passage of time that much. This was the first time in a while that I actually looked at the face in the mirror, mostly it is a quick check of hair or appearance to make sure I am not a complete slob.

In case you were wondering, I did have a great birthday. My family rocks, I got some touching thoughtful gifts, and Ann made an amazing dinner. The birthday cake is so chocolatey you will have to brush your teeth after just looking at it, it is so decadent. I said ‘is’ because there is still more than half left. It was so rich that no one could finish their piece. That of course means cake for breakfast with a big glass of milk…

All in all a great day, a good year that had it’s ups and downs. And I am Avery lucky man to have the family I have and a job that I find meaningful and enjoyable, even if I don’t get to be as creative as I would like.