state of statesmanship

Why is it that today people can’t work together? Admittedly I wasn’t paying attention much back in the 80’s or 90’s, but why is it about posturing now? Politicians constant campaign, focussing on reelection takes the eyes off the goal. The goal of being in the government is to take care of the needs of the country and its people. Now there is always debate on what the government should take care of, but that is the essence.

Now new media has given everyone a voice, but that seems to be causing everyone to listen to what they agree with. The founding father created a system s checks and balances. One where the few or the one do not get decide for the many. Our government has evolved since then, those checks and balances have changed but are still there for the most part. What these checks and balances do is force compromise to accomplish anything. So compromise is part of the design of the founding fathers, as much as in God we trust.

The problem with America is that we don’t support activities that deal with compromise positively. Our culture is based on machismo, capitalism, and individualism. America’s focus on sports reflects that. Sports don’t like compromise, they prefer competition. Competition is the opposite of working together.

Compromise is part of working together for a common goal, it is a part of theatre. Maybe the country would be working better if arts were mandatory instead of PE. What do you think?

2 thoughts on “state of statesmanship”

  1. It would be a better place if we could look for final results that would provide a benifit for the majority and consider other and the future. We become focused on individual pet peeves that become a rigid stands that are a fanatical response to a indiviual issue. It is a extremely egostical self center person, but actually a very insecure person, that their way is the only right way. You don’t have to debate issues and to understand them, just don’t listen to what what other have to say. There a lot of modern world that require you to think and change with new knowledge. Rigid beliefs are can be fragile when confronted with new facts or understandings. Hanging on to beliefs is also not having to make a decision, where one is responsible for that decision. Compromise is the way that society will work best for most of the people. Discussion, empanthy and a open mind is what we need to bring to the government.

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