Morning routines

Mornings in our house begin slowly. It seems the ony one eager for the day to start is our dog Mazie. While everyone else is walking around like zombies, she is running up and down the stairs like she had a tall latte or two. Earlier in the year the morning sun would help the kids wake up, but now it is not very bright when I wake them up. It will get harder as winter approaches and the days get even shorter.

After getting the kids dressed, it is time to make sure they get something to eat. They always have to sit in certain chairs at the table, they eat prefer to have their cereal out of a certain kind of bowl. They some times vary between their current favorite cereal, sometimes have toast.

I can remember all that stuff, but when it comes to making Their lunches, I can never keep it straight. One like jelly sandwiches sometimes, one only likes peanut butter. They like different fruits in their lunches. There are different preferences of crackers. I really need a written down list. I really hope I wasn’t that picky when I was a kid.

Then we have to make sure they brush their hair and teeth, and do all of the above in 45 minutes, although if I am lucky I actually wake up earlier and have an hour it is easier.

Now you may say that sounds like enough time, but getting my beloved daydreamers ready in the morning is like herding a bunch of cats that don’t pay attention to you. And if this what my parents went thru when I was a kid then I guess this is my comeuppance.

That being said I wouldn’t trade this time with them for anything.

One thought on “Morning routines”

  1. That bring back memories of 30+ years ago. Since you were all boys, I don’t thing that combing the hair was that important. In that matter, I don’t remember much complaint about clothes. Lunches were alway a problem. The lunches were always prepaired and separated in different areas so no one picked up the wrong lunch or go through them and complain that his lunch was better than mine, but some one would occasionly go through the lunches and redistribute the likes to dislikes.

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