Category Archives: Geekiness

Computers, Newtons and misc modern distractions

Letterheads of the past

The Official Letterheads of Edison, Tesla, Hitler, Groucho, JFK, Johnny Cash, James Dean & More:

These are some amazing letterheads. It shows how much about a person can be said by their choice in letterhead design. If you look at it you may think, like I did, that Nikolai Tesla is overcompensating for something when comparing things to Edison.

The awe and beauty of space

One of the things that has drawn me to science fiction is my love outer space. The sheer scope and scale of the universe is real mind boggling. I have thought that lone ship traveling out into the solar system was like a stone skipping out into a lake. Hopping along from place to place and then it’s gone in the vastness.

Well I came across something that brought that same awe-inspiring feeling back to me:

Scale from Brad Goodspeed on Vimeo.

On Set: Empire Strikes Back @ Vanity Fair

This looks like a great book, looking at the article now.

Out this month, the slick coffee-table tome The Making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back chronicles the complete tale—from pre-release to blockbuster success—of what’s become the fan favorite of the Star Wars series. Released in 1980, George Lucas’s Episode V pushed the boundaries of special effects and left audiences with one of cinema’s most epic cliffhangers.

via On Set: Empire Strikes Back | Vanity Fair.

Social Media & the record of the Web

I saw something earlier today that made me pause and think. Leo Laporte, Technology Journalist and Radio host, had a minor epiphany about using Twitter or other Microblogging platforms. He was was posting for a week or so when he noticed that none of the things he was posting had been showing up online. Which made him question why he used those services:

I should have been posting it here all along. Had I been doing so I’d have something to show for it. A record of my life for the last few years at the very least. But I ignored my blog and ran off with the sexy, shiny microblogs. Well no more.

via Buzz Kill : LOL: The Life of Leo.

I share links and interesting things I find via Twitter and Facebook, but I realized that those are also just being sent out into the noise. One of the reasons I am posting here is because I was interested in having a record of my thoughts and interesting things I have found on the web. I make sure to share my family photos here, because I don’t want them to be lost by some company. I am going to redouble my efforts to share things here first.


It has been a busy week, the school year is winding down for the kids and me. Also there have been a lot of birthday parties and festivities to attend. There were three birthday parties this weekend alone. Next week is commencement, and all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it. For me, commencement is just another part of the rhythm of the school year. For my students it is a very big deal, as you can imagine. It seems like just when I really get to know the students, they are seniors and on their way. It always great to here how those that have graduated are doing. Although it seems like my students from W&L are doing things like going to be lawyers or getting degrees not in theatre. My students from Bradley are all in theatre. Although I think that will change with the new crop of W&L kids. They seem more theatre-y, we’ll see how they do.

writing blocks

One reason I started this blog was to explore this new media thing. I was interested in how this worked. I had already made static webpages, but this was something new. I enjoyed slogging thru the process of installing and setting up a fresh WordPress blog. It caused me to learn how it all fit together.

Another reason was to try and get myself to write more. I have never been comfortable with writing. If you knew me in Highschool you would have said I was not comfortable talking to people. I was always very quiet and it took me a long time to warm up and feel comfortable expressing myself. Which in high school is hard anyway.

But nowadays, I have more confidence in putting words on the page. I just have to figure out a system to make it more efficient. I have lots of typos and then I go and correct them, which messes up my train of thought sometimes. Also I need to work out a regimen so that I actually write more. It seems to slip down the priority list with family, and work taking up time. Plus I need to stop wasting time on other stuff.

But as I find myself doing less designing at school, I need to have a place to put my creative energies. Maybe I can do that here…

making pixel art with the kids.

The girls were given a craft kit from Ikea as a christmas present. It is made from the PYSSLA beads kit. You set all the beads on a little frame, put some wax paper on top a little pass with a iron, Viola!

Raw material

I immediately saw the ability to make little pictures pixel by pixel.

Laying out the beautiful masterpiece (McKelvey drew a flower on the grid paper for me)

And a flower for Arden & McKelvey

You can get even fancier by using something to help you layout your pixel art, like Photoshop. I used Pixelego.(link using the ‘wayback machine’)

Up for the future: