Category Archives: Family biz

Info about my family

Partaking of popular culture part 1

Now we aren’t big consumers of modern culture. We don’t have cable or broadcast television, and the kids don’t go to the movies much. In fact the first movie the kids saw in the movie theatre was Charlotte’s web last year. Although, we have seen a few movies at the drive in. However they are usually hesitant about seeing new things.

So we brought the kids to see Disney/Pixar’s Ratatouille on the fourth of July. We went to the local theatre, which was recently(last 3-4 years) renovated and changes the balcony level into two little theatres. Things were going well, we had the large popcorn, M&M’s and a soda (without caffeine, because there are some things that kids just don’t need). Things were going well, they didn’t like the shotgun blasts but were holding themselves together, however soon Arden lost it. And what put her over the edge? When Remy gets separated from his family. She kept asking where his family was, and was crying and sobbing. I asked her if she wanted to leave, she said yes. So we hung out outside the door, and would occasionally go back in and stand at the back. Sometimes, Arden would want to go sit down again, because she really wanted popcorn. So I think we saw most of the movie. Afterwards I asked Arden what she thought.

She said, “I liked the good parts but I didn’t like the scary parts.”

Trip high lights, part one Ireland

Well we are back from our grand tour. It is so nice to be back at home. That being said we had the best time on our trip.

We started off with a Native American ‘Pow-wow’ in NJ, the day before we got on the plane. There was some amazing outfits and dances, McKelvey said, “Daddy, I loved indians more than princesses.” Then on Sunday, we got to visit our friend Joanna & Rob and got to meet their new baby Henry. Then we got on the plane that evening and the kids fell asleep ’til we landed at 9-am Monday.

When we first moved into the new house, the house across the street was rented out by a visiting professor and his family. We became great friends over the 4 months they were here. While in Ireland, we played at their house ands took day trips from there. Ann had the exciting opportunity of driving on the opposite side of the street.

We visited Dublin one day, hitting the hop-on hop-off bus to take a tour of the city. We went up to the open top of the double decker bus. It rained. We went to the Dublin Zoo. It rained. However the kids had a lovely time anyway.

After much computer trouble I have gotten the pictures online. Enjoy.

More to come later…

Delayed update

Here it has been a while since my last post. As always I am immersed in work, teaching, designing Kiss Me Kate, and acting as Department chair while the chair is abroad teaching.

McKelvey lost her two front teeth. They were both loose when she didn’t look where she was going and walked into a door. She doesn’t have as much of a lisp as I would have guessed, as it looks so cute. Liam is doing great, gaining a lot of weight. He lost his initial baby hair and subsequently had some male pattern baldness. So that his either a foreshadowing of his future or mine(or both). Arden is doing good as well. She doesn’t want to use the potty as much as I want her to, but it’s something she has to be in charge of. She is in total love with Liam.

I’ll have more to post later this week, right now I am madly trying to finish up this design so we can get building.

11 Dog Christmas

We had a great Christmas up at Ann’s parents. Our kids had many presents to open including American Girl dolls(Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Collins). I’m sure we will soon have to build a new room for all the stuff that go with these things. They also got horses to go with(Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Courtney). The horses are as big as our dogs. I keep seeing the black one out of the corner of my eye and think Mazie is just standing silently in the middle of the dining room. Freaks me out.

But we brought our dogs with us to Christmas(2) to the Courtney’s(4 dogs), and Ann’s brother Chris brought his Chihuahua’s(4). but wait there’s more. Ann’s sis Karen brought her dog(11 total) as well. They outnumbered the ten people gathered for Christmas.

Crazy but fun.