- Better Off Ted. Hilarious. Is this show still on? Mmmm I love netflix streaming, I missed it traveling. 2011-07-18
- @MarqRobinson I just finished Better off Ted. Do you have a good reccomendation of something else? How is LA treating you? in reply to MarqRobinson 2011-07-19
- @MarqRobinson Traveled to a conference in Prague and then visited my brother in Florence. The whole family went, it was pretty awesome. in reply to MarqRobinson 2011-07-21
- @MarqRobinson I'll look into that. in reply to MarqRobinson 2011-07-21
- Excited to go to NYC tomorrow to see a bunch of friends and alums! 2011-07-21
- @MarqRobinson yeah the kids loved Italy. McKelvey wants to live there. Perhaps because we went out for ice cream every night. in reply to MarqRobinson 2011-07-22
- @lauren_quirk I'm on the way up to NYC right now. See you there. in reply to lauren_quirk 2011-07-22
Category Archives: Bit of the ordinary
Something from everyday goings on.
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-06-06 – 2011-06-12 #tw
- @neilhimself Could you spread the word to help save an inner city orchestra? Story: http://t.co/UvOeVww Place to give: http://t.co/CJZYB0L 2011-06-12
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-05-30 – 2011-06-05 #tw
- A re-imagining of the musical Carrie by @mcctheater I am intrigued nyti.ms/mLv8on in reply to mcctheater 2011-05-31
- RT @tinybuddha “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” ~George Bernard Shaw in reply to tinybuddha 2011-06-01
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-05-16 – 2011-05-22 #tw
- Don't argue over the things that don't matter with the people that do. – Ric Elias http://www.ted.com/talks/ric_elias.html 2011-05-17
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-04-25 – 2011-05-01 #tw
- @jeezjon I loved #Bossypants it was a great read. Both Ann & I laughed out. in reply to jeezjon 2011-04-25
- Who makes more, your average college graduate or a working playwright? Clue – not the one with an MFA in theater. http://amzn.to/gO4P3r 2011-04-25
- RT @CaliLewis We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. –Winston Churchill #fb in reply to CaliLewis 2011-04-29
- RT @feliciaday RT: @brainpicker: Painfully funny… 56 terrible analogies from high school student papers http://t.co/aHVwM3G #fb 2011-05-01
- "You look like a punk" My daughter about my teenage passport picture. Made me feel good.
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-04-18 – 2011-04-24 #tw
- “@Margoandhow: The definitive article for Birthers to read — but they won't. http://t.co/g0ZJ7V2” #fb 2011-04-23
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-04-11 – 2011-04-17 #tw
- Our recent dance production was mentioned in the Chronicle of Higher Education– "Lights, Dancers, Economics!" http://bit.ly/empvJn 2011-04-11
- Oh & the designers were not mentioned in the article from my last tweet- http://bit.ly/empvJn Even though they put it all together. Typical. 2011-04-11
- @jeezjon do you have Ping enabled for iTunes? It looks for the store for Ping and Genius recommendations. in reply to jeezjon 2011-04-11
- @jeezjon no, but it might be enabled on your itunes by default. It is in itunes Preferences under Parental controls. in reply to jeezjon 2011-04-11
- Do you have a great idea for a short film? look here : http://vimeo.com/nokia?utm_source=newsletter42011 2011-04-12
- RT @tinybuddha "Doing your best means never stop trying." ~Unknown
- Support the Food Revolution campaign to bring back plain milk in schools:
#fb 2011-04-13 - FYI 4 year olds don't appreciate the finer aspects of sarcasm. #fb 2011-04-14
- Lenfest center basement flooded. Only 1/2"-1" in most. 24" in the electrical room at it's highest. Had to cancel show today. 2011-04-16
- "Business majors spend less time preparing for class than do students in any other broad field" http://nyti.ms/hvUSqI 2011-04-17
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-03-28 – 2011-04-03 #tw
- Another beautiful work! RT @Matthew1collins Bust of Ceres: http://wp.me/sSSQD-ceres 2011-03-28
- My kids are playing a game where they are people from Shakespeare plays. Amelia, Imogen and Quince. Can you name the plays? FYi not my idea 2011-03-28
- Currently looking into music licensing agreements. Yay being a dept head and having to take care of sh*t storms that pop up. 2011-04-01
- @jeezjon Academia is a nice place to live if are the professor and have the right job. You'll see when you come and visit ;) 2011-04-01
- @jeezjon I'd love you show you guys around. We'll get a room ready for you. I'll be in the LA area next March for a conference can I Visit? in reply to jeezjon 2011-04-01
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-03-14 – 2011-03-20 #tw
- Move over Spiderman, I have a new theatrical obsession: http://www.warhorseonbroadway.com/ Must see. 2011-03-14
- Via @tinybuddha "Life is actually really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." ~Confucius #fb 2011-03-15
- @jeezjon Little Liam loves the Ides of March as it is his birthday. ;) in reply to jeezjon 2011-03-15
- @jeezjon he likes the toy story movies and star wars, course he likes cars and spaceships. No worries. What do you want for your birthday? in reply to jeezjon 2011-03-15
- a man in his 50's said "O-M-G" in an un-ironic way yesterday. I couldn't take that seriously. 2011-03-17
- RT @MoveOn BREAKING: House votes to deny all federal funding to NPR. Tell the Senate that's unacceptable. http://bit.ly/eRAk8K 2011-03-18
Weekly Twitter Update From 2011-03-07 – 2011-03-13 #tw
- Finished making a traditional Turkish Shadow puppet today. My job is awesome. 2011-03-08