Category Archives: Bit of the ordinary

Something from everyday goings on.

Here is something that may make your day easier…

Have you ever wanted to just to to a person when on customer service? well I found the answer. a website that lists the toll free numbers and key punches necessary to talk to a real person when dealing with companies. Find it here. It has credit card companies, banks car rentals you name it they probably have it. There is also a print version and a downloadable version so you can have it on the go.

From the Mouths of babes…

Ann and I started exercising. We have worked out a schedule that we each have two mornings a week to go work out. This means that I finally got some running shoes/sneakers to work out in. THis is the first pair of gym shoes I’ve bought in years. During the school year I always wear my Doc Marten boots or my Doc Marten shoes. During the summer(or Weekends) wear sandals weather permitting.

McKelvey’s take on this was:

“Daddy when I look down just at your feet you don’t look like my dad.”

You know you’re a liberal when…

So I packed Liam up in the stroller to run an errand last Friday. I was going over to the local organic grocers to pick up our weekly share of vegetables from the CSA(Community Supported Agriculture) we are a part of. I was using the stroller to cut down on the use of gas, we walked across the lawn I mowed this morning using a manual push reel mower(used to reduce carbon emissions). I took this all in for a moment and said to my self, boy am I a liberal or what.

Trip high lights, part one Ireland

Well we are back from our grand tour. It is so nice to be back at home. That being said we had the best time on our trip.

We started off with a Native American ‘Pow-wow’ in NJ, the day before we got on the plane. There was some amazing outfits and dances, McKelvey said, “Daddy, I loved indians more than princesses.” Then on Sunday, we got to visit our friend Joanna & Rob and got to meet their new baby Henry. Then we got on the plane that evening and the kids fell asleep ’til we landed at 9-am Monday.

When we first moved into the new house, the house across the street was rented out by a visiting professor and his family. We became great friends over the 4 months they were here. While in Ireland, we played at their house ands took day trips from there. Ann had the exciting opportunity of driving on the opposite side of the street.

We visited Dublin one day, hitting the hop-on hop-off bus to take a tour of the city. We went up to the open top of the double decker bus. It rained. We went to the Dublin Zoo. It rained. However the kids had a lovely time anyway.

After much computer trouble I have gotten the pictures online. Enjoy.

More to come later…