- I've just made a song at Blues Maker website. It's sad, but you should to check it out. http://www.thebluesmaker.com/?musica=4442431222 #fb 2010-06-07
- What is geekier, this video: http://vimeo.com/12462045 or the fact that I posted it? #fb 2010-06-10
- In my dream last night I was printing with Glow in the Dark ABS on my @makerbot . I woke up and was sad. 2010-06-11
- talking about Assassins w/ Rob (@ Lenfest Center for the Arts) http://4sq.com/cO41e9 2010-06-11
- RT @ebertchicago "It must have been an easy grader who gave this Team an "A." My review: http://j.mp/9OWTsm " #fb 2010-06-11
- @lermanzo W&L is doing Assassins Halloween weekend. You should totally come down to see it. in reply to lermanzo 2010-06-13