What’s been going on

Well we’ve had a busy time the last couple of weeks, McKelvey had her birthday, and it has been one week since THE LONGEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. Last tuesday Ann caught the stomach flu during the day. So I went to pick McKelvey up from school, soon she was throwing up too. When Arden started throwing up I knew it was not going to be fun. So I had a solitary dinner, because everyone was dozing either on the couch or upstairs. Ann was taking care of herself and Liam upstairs, which left me to run defense downstairs. Then I spent the next hours catching vomit in bowls, dumping them out cleaning the bowls, washing my hands, going back to the couch to do it again. McKelvey was able to wake herself up to throw up, but Arden had to be monitored, so that when she squirmed, I would sit her up so she could throw up. SO I when I dozed off, I kept waking up at the slightest noise, which didn’t lend itself to a restful night. Then things got worse when my solitary dinner came back to say hi around midnight. The worst part was that since I held out the longest, I got left in the lurch. I mean where was my help? But oh well.

To make a long story short (too late) we eventually got better. Just in time to get McKelvey’s Birthday party ready for Saturday. I’ll have pictures up soon and maybe a separate post.