planning my summer

Lately I have begun working on my summer job. That entails working out the classes and locations for the curriculum of a summer theatre program. the students are broken down into groups and I rotate the groups thru the four different teachers, making sure that they get each group the same number of times and checking with space conflicts for where the classes can meet.

It gets a little intense here is the preliminary calendar for this Summer:

Last years calendar is in the background here:

Each different color post-it note is a different class or rehearsal or performance. The ones above the poster board are days off of the faculty, which affect which classes could be taught and rehearsals as well. Or the little pink ones are if there was another event in one of our spaces that we have to set up and then plan rehearsals/ classes around. It is a little like staring at the falling numbers in the Matrix.

Soon I will begin working on designing the posters and the sets. Which is a little more fun.